Painting Tips for Commercial Buildings

Painting Tips for Commercial Buildings


Painting a commercial building is not your average DIY project. It requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. The paint job in your commercial building is not only crucial for aesthetics, but also for the durability and longevity of the structure. A well-painted commercial building will attract more customers and boost your business. So if you’re planning to paint your commercial building in Orlando, FL, you’re at the right place. In this blog post, we’ll share some practical tips and tricks for painting commercial buildings, from preparing the surface to final touch-ups.


1. Start with a Clean and Smooth Surface

The first and foremost step is to ensure that the surface is clean, dry, and smooth. A clean and smooth surface will ensure excellent adhesion of the paint and promote durability. Begin by cleaning the surface thoroughly, removing all dirt, debris, and mildew. Next, inspect the surface for any cracks, holes, or imperfections that need to be filled. Use spackling paste or a similar filler to repair the gaps or holes, and sand the surface until it’s smooth.

2. Priming is Key

Don't skip the primer; it's essential for a smooth and long-lasting paint job. The primer ensures excellent adhesion of the paint and promotes durability. Professionals recommend using a tinted primer that matches the final paint color. Tinted primers ensure that the paint color pops and looks rich.

3. Choose the Right Paint

Choosing the right paint for your commercial building is crucial for the durability and aesthetics of the structure. Look for high-quality paints that offer excellent coverage, durability, and resistance to wear-and-tear. Professionals recommend using a paint with a satin or semi-gloss finish for commercial buildings, as they are easier to clean and more durable.

4. Invest in Good Quality Tools

Investing in good quality painting tools will make the job easier, more efficient, and ensure excellent results. Look for quality brushes, rollers, and sprayers that offer excellent coverage and are designed for commercial painting jobs. Professionals also recommend using extension poles, drop cloths, and masking tape to protect adjacent surfaces from accidental spills.

5. Final Touch-Ups

Once the paint has dried, it's time for final touch-ups. Inspect the painted surface carefully and look for any bumps, smudges, or uneven spots. Use a fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any bumps or drips. Additionally, use a clean damp cloth to wipe off any smudges or fingerprints. Lastly, consider using a topcoat sealer to protect the paint job and promote durability.



Painting a commercial building can be a daunting task, but with proper planning, preparation, and execution, you can achieve excellent results. Make sure to choose high-quality paints, invest in good quality tools, and take the time to prepare the surface thoroughly. Don’t skimp on the primer and always paint in dry weather conditions. Lastly, don’t forget the final touch-ups to achieve a smooth, even, and long-lasting paint job. If you’re looking for professional painters in Orlando, FL, contact Lakestone Painting today for a free consultation. We have the experience and expertise to handle your commercial painting project with precision and professionalism.

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