How to Achieve a Perfect Stucco Painting

How to Achieve a Perfect Stucco Painting


When it comes to home improvement and interior design, one of the most important things that you'll need to consider is painting. Painting plays a vital role in enhancing the look, feel, and appeal of your property. However, painting stucco surfaces can be more challenging and demanding than painting regular drywall. If you're looking for ways to achieve a perfect stucco painting, then you're in the right place. In this blog, we'll share some tips and tricks on how to paint stucco surfaces like a pro.


1. Start with Preparation

As with any painting task, the key to achieving a perfect stucco painting is to start with proper preparation. Begin by cleaning the surface with a pressure washer, scraping off loose areas of stucco, and repairing any cracks or holes.  Be sure to allow the stucco to dry for at least 24 hours before proceeding with the painting.

2. Use Quality Painting Materials

When it comes to painting stucco, it's important to use high-quality materials that are specifically designed for rougher surfaces. Use a thick-nap roller or a paint sprayer for an even application. Avoid dry-rolling the stucco surface, as it can cause uneven textures and streaks.

3. Prime the Surface

Before you apply the paint, it's essential to prime the stucco surface, which will help to ensure that the paint adheres evenly. Use a primer that's specifically formulated for stucco surfaces for optimal results. If you're repainting an old stucco surface, it's a good idea to use a stain-blocking primer to prevent any stains or discoloration from showing through the new paint.

4. Apply the Paint

When applying the paint, work in small sections at a time, always starting at the top and working your way down. Apply the paint in thin layers to create a smooth finish. Two coats are usually sufficient to achieve optimal coverage and a solid finish. For best results, invest in a high-quality paint that is designed to withstand weather and UV rays.

5. Finish with Touch-Ups

Once the paint has dried, step back and take a look at the overall finish. If there are any areas that need touch-up, use a small brush or roller to make any necessary corrections. Be sure to allow the paint to dry completely before making additional touch-ups.



Taking the time to properly prepare, prime, and paint your stucco surfaces can make a world of difference in the look and longevity of your painting. By using high-quality materials and following the proper techniques, you can achieve a perfect stucco painting that will look great for years to come. If you need any help, feel free to hire professional commercial painters in Orlando, FL, to ensure a flawless finish. Contact Lakestone Painting today for a free consultation to get started on your next painting project.

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